Contact : 805-929-1615


e-mail : contact@nipomoseniorcenter

Welcome to The Nipomo Senior Center Website!

This website is currently under construction. Thanks for your patience as we endeavor to launch this project. Please return often to access updated content.

We are open from 9am to 1pm Monday thru Friday. We are also open on holidays, excluding Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Feel free to stop by and check out our activities. Someone will be happy to explain the benefits of membership in this worthwhile organization.

Our current monthly calendar is as follows:

Every Monday:

                Exercise class (low impact chair) 10-11am

                Bingo: 11am-12noon (2 dollar fee for 2 cards)

                                1-win gets 1-ticket … 2 or more tickets exchange

                                for prizes

Every Wednesday:

                Exercise class (low impact chair) 10-11am

3rd Wednesday:               

                Potluck and general membership meeting (speakers &

                                entertainment vary) 12:30-2pm

Every Thursday:

                Hand & Foot Canasta 9:30am – done

                                NOTE: 4 people required to play.

                                Games are 1st come 1st serve

Every Friday:

                Exercise class (low impact chair) 10-11am

Every day:

                Free pastries while supply lasts

                Free coffee

                Rummikub games

                Jigsaw puzzles

                Computer with internet access (1st come 1st serve)

                Free WiFi

                Free medical equipment to borrow (as available)

Additionally, the Meals that Connect Program works daily out of our facility serving lunches both at the facility as well as local home delivery. They are not a part of our Senior Center and you will need to contact them for details about their program if interested.