How We Came to Be

The following is from an interview of Dick Canning, by Rose Egers, and transcribed by Doris Sutcliffe:

                In October of 1973 interested parties began to form the Senior Citizens Club. The organizational meeting was held at Jim Bachas’ house (or office) on Tefft Street. Refreshments were provided by the E.O.C. and Eddy Lane, of the E.O.C., provided information on how to form the club. He had helped form 13 other clubs in SLO County by that time. Tommy Thomson was appointed President and Dick canning was appointed Secretary / Treasurer.

                In November of 1973 it was decided to have a rummage sale (to raise funds). Mrs. Perez made enchiladas to sell as well. The rummage sale made $31.90 and the enchilada sale made $30.25, with $10.00 in initial material cost.

                In December of 1973 it was reported that the station wagon, given to Lydia Slater for the work they were doing, had broken down. While it was being fixed, it was stolen and wrecked. This instigated the politicking to get a Van for the Club. On December 12th Mrs. Long donated a flag to the Club, which they saluted until its replacement in 1989.

                On March 26th 1974 George Simmons received a check from Mr. Mankins for the bus (van) which was purchased from Iverson’s with $25.00 down. The full price was $3,825.00. Iverson’s was given a check for $4,000.00, that had been given to the Club by Mr. Mankins, which left a balance of $169.00. Mr. Mankins then gave another check to the Club in the amount of $50.00 for insurance.

                At this time, in order to take possession of the bus (van) and the license, we had to become incorporated. The Nipomo Galaxy Grange agreed to sign for us. Incorporation occurred thanks to Basil and Florence Fiero, Vincent and Mary Gato, and Louis Blanche Sulzone.

                Dick Canning worked with Eddy Lane on making a financial statement (for the Nipomo Senior Citizens) and sent it to the Secretary of State. It was turned down as they wanted to add the word “Area” to the title. Thus “Nipomo Are Senior Citizens” became the name. It took three times before it was finally accepted. Then the Board members went to Mid State Bank in SLO and signed the papers. The application to become a tax free club met with almost the same trials in getting approval from the State, but was successful.

                In April of 1974 the first regular election of officers was held. Tommy Thomson was elected President, George Simmons -1st VP, Lyall Smith – 2nd VP, Loraine Zenetti – Secretary, Dick Canning – Treasurer, and Mert Slater – Member at Large.

                On May 1st 1974 another rummage sale was held at the office on Tefft Street, conducted by Mr. Hollis.

                On July 5th 1974 George Simmons received a check for $200.00 for the P. A. System from Mr. Mankins.

                For the remainder of 1974 there were many small sales of papers, beer cans, and bake sales. Cookies were made for the Mid State Bank’s opening. They had moved an old building from SLO to Tefft Street. The Club also received $404.00 from the Fall Festival in SLO.

                In 1974 there were many good times, and many fun trips.


Today the bus (van) has long since gone, due to maintenance and insurance costs, but the Nipomo Area Senior Center continues on strong with members who can drive, being happy to transport those who can’t, to our events and outings. Call the Center for information: 805-929-1615